Innovation Bridge Foundation

Learn more about Innovation Bridge Foundation, its impact, and how to contribute.


The mission of the Innovation Bridge Foundation is to advance tech innovation and empower the next generation of entrepreneurs while also supporting ventures in distressed regions, including Israel and other countries affected by conflict or with limited economic resources.

Supported Impact Ventures and Initiatives

In furtherance of its mission, Innovation Bridge Foundation supports:

Cr8te Israel

As Innovation Bridge Foundation’s first initiative, they are driven to preserve the second largest tech ecosystem in the world beyond Silicon Valley — Tel Aviv. Innovation Bridge Foundation is working with CR8TE to selectively acquire distressed Israeli companies and commercialize them in the U.S., which keeps the dream alive for the Israeli family while also providing cash on closing, non-voting equity upside, and a job post-war.

Highlights and News

LOHAS is proud to share news and updates spotlighting the impact Innovation Bridge Foundation is making.

Contribute to Innovation Bridge Foundation


Grants or distributions accepted from:
Individuals • Corporations • Donor-Advised Funds • Foundations
Retirement Accounts • Charitable Trusts

Donate any asset with established or appraisable value, such as:
Stocks • Bonds • Real Estate • Collectibles • Art
Cryptocurrency • Privately Held Business Interests


Support the Mission

Innovation Bridge Foundation accepts cash contributions from individuals and companies; grants and distributions from donor-advised funds, foundations, and charitable trusts; and anything with established or appraisable value, including cryptocurrency, real estate, stocks, bonds, privately held business interests, and collectible art.

Fill out the form to request contribution instructions or ask any questions.