LOHAS Thought Leadership

Read the latest impact investing thought leadership from the LOHAS team

Impact Investing with a DAF for Individuals and Families

Donors now have an opportunity to use donated funds to support for-profit ventures established to achieve sustained positive change in issues of social and environmental concern. At LOHAS, donor-advised funds (“DAFs”) are retooled to be impact investment vehicles, allowing individuals and families...

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Donor-Advised Funds as Family Investment Education Tools

Donors now have an opportunity to use donated funds to support for-profit ventures established to achieve sustained positive change in issues of social and environmental concern. At LOHAS, donor-advised funds (“DAFs”) are retooled to be impact investment vehicles, allowing families to become their...

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Investing in Social Impact Entertainment Using DAF Funds

Have you ever dreamed of being recognized as a producer of a movie or other production? Donors now have an opportunity to do so by using donated funds to support socially and environmentally impactful entertainment productions that align with their values.Unlock Your DAF and Have Fun with Purpose...

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Impact Investing with a DAF for Corporations

For corporations seeking to make social or environmental impact investments and tell a better ESG story to bolster their brand and align better with customer and stakeholder demands, LOHAS donor-advised funds (“DAFs”) provide greater flexibility than a corporate foundation. At LOHAS, DAFs have...

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Become a Climate-Focused Donor Capitalist

LOHAS Partner Jared Gonsky shares insights on ways your donated funds and assets can be invested in for-profit ventures that allow society to mitigate and adapt to the effects of the climate crisis while still producing a return on investment.

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